
Showing posts from January, 2020

2020 Year of the Rat

It's my year. Yaaay..... not. But since everyone's talking about it, I thought I might check out on my year: The first thing that can be read: "Year of the  Rat , or year of the Bat and Bad? The recent Corona Virus ourbreaking in  Wuhan China  seems to be a sign of the beginnings of an inauspicious year, according to Chinese beliefs, for those living in China and especially for those living in Wuhan where the virus originated. Some recent reports have indicated that the virus may have come from close contact with bats - who have unwillingly taken over the headlines during this new Year of the Rat... We hope that all people who are Rats in the Chinese zodiac aren't too discouraged - This is your year! - To all Rats around the world, we wish you a healthy and lucky year in 2020!" I laughed, not at the virus but the implication. Bats are rats that can fly.




My internet friends are always rooting for me. I love them. Which led me to post an update status because I believed the people that follow/ed me deserve it. My brother called me. Yep. Because I had written in my post that not even my brother believed me. Instead of calling to check up on me for once, he called me to tell me he felt WRONGED. No. Me and my mom were the ones that were WRONGED. It goes back more than 2 years, but in these 2 years he moved out and only called me or messaged  me to do errands for him. "You don't respond to my messages" - because they're errands, what am I supposed to say? I just do them as I'm told to do, because even though he missed the point of everything I STILL LOVE HIM VERY MUCH, growing up with him was a blast and he was always kind and I ALWAYS idolized him. I'd talk to my friends about my brother's good grades, how good he was at every sport, how good he was at games and how I loved to watch him play gam...