Vacation for my late dad's family!


Ok, so... it's peace for 2 weeks without them around!
People must think I'm horrible but I'm just looking forward to no screaming/yelling.

They also don't care about me anyway, they did a lot of bad things to me and my mom talked to them about my condition and they didn't care either. We've been trying to get them to go with us just once to an appointment with my therapist but they always have excuses because they don't care.
My brother is the same. My mom says it's because he used to be shy but I don't know, he used to work where my old psychiatrist worked and I always begged him to meet him but he always refused to... he also once said he doesn't believe in things like depression.
The only person that cares enough is my mom.
And, even though my dad was never very present in my life, he went to some appointments with me.
I know he loved me and he wanted me to be happy.
Now I only have my mom and internet friends.
My little cousin, heh, I'll always call her that, she's already 11, damn it, 11 years passed by in the flash of an eye, just yesterday she was a baby and I had come with my mother and best friend; at the time, to visit her when she was born.
She really likes us but her mother and father try to distance her from us. 😔
We used to be much closer and play a lot. Like. A. Lot. Since I'm a child at heart.
But she still likes us a lot, we can tell but it's much different now with her tablet and phone.
I was exposed to technology at the age of 4 but I was never like that. Kinda unbelievable, but true.
I only started to make my own world online when I had enough of the abuse.
Well, maybe she's had enough too...


  1. It's really scary how fast time flies. My oldest brother is a year younger than me. So, I've known him my whole life. We grew up together as best friends and worst enemies, but we drifted apart over time. Same with my other two siblings. Brolex is twenty five and Rachel is twenty one. I still remember seeing the last two as babies, watching shows with them, playing games, etc. They were my best buddies for years, and now they have their own lives and friends, and do their own things without me. It happens to everyone and it's really depressing. I liked to smile and joke about a lot of things, but getting old is not fun. It happens to all of us. You have many years left, so don't be the same as me, just watching things pass. I'm not saying you shouldn't be patient, but you can still take advantage of opportunities and such at the same time. Even if you don't feel it's something you can do now, plan and research for a time you might be able to do it. Looking ahead for the future as something to cherish, what you can do, not what you haven't done yet.

  2. Word salad worthy of Donald Trump. This is the rantings of a man swiftly approaching senility. Now let me yell at those kids on my lawn. Where's my cane?


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